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A Comprehensive Analysis of the GPL Issues With the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Business Model 

SFC's Policy Fellow, Bradley M. Kuhn, has written a comprehensive analysis of the situation with the #RHEL (#RedHat Enterprise #Linux) business model, and how it relates to the software rights & freedoms promised in the #GPL agreements.

#CentOS #RedHat #OpenSource #copyleft #FOSS

@blacklight internal stuff we tend to use Ubuntu. Customer stuff tends to run CloudLinux - we will see how this plays out for them as it is derived from RHEL but is a commercial distribution and of course CL the company is where AlmaLinux started out - so they may stand more of a chance?

That moment where you hesitate as you're about to submit a PR and wonder if you're about to get torn apart because you've missed something obscure in the contributing and PR submission guides for the project.

No? Just me?

this is pretty much my only take on the lost submarine thing:

they didn't get the vessel certified - a process that ensures a vessel design meets design and safety standards based on over a hundred years of accumulated experience within the maritime industry - because they claim that most accidents are as a result of operator error, not vessel failures.

conveniently forgetting that certification is the exact reason ships last long enough for an operator to make a mistake in the first place.

2008 v. 2023: I don’t think people realize the extent to which parked cars degrade public space.

"you should federate with meta because activitypub is all about openness" is just "why doesn't the so-called tolerant left tolerate my bigotry" for computers

For all of you busy preparing manifestos for forthcoming elections, here is a #FreeCulture #policy proposal:

> For all published artefacts using DRM, there needs to be a legal method for expiring the lock - or circumventing the DRM - once the period of all relevant copyrights has expired, otherwise future generations would not be able to access these artefacts.

If backdoored E2EE is possible then backdoored DRM should be easy too, right?

Software created using taxpayers’ money should be released as #FreeSoftware.
Can you help us to achieve it?👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽

🔹Sign our Open Letter
🔸 Support our work!

#PMPC #SoftwareFreedom

My special talent lately appears to be finding edge cases and error messages no one else encounters. Who do I call to hand it back in or swap it for another?

I know for a lot of you, me leaving is a mission accomplished. I'm under no illusion that I'll be missed.

For what it's worth, I'm shifting my follows to RSS (a technology that's been extinguished, allegedly) because I love you and I love what you're building.

I'm shifting my blogging to, and I've kicked it off with a republish of ".io considered harmful":

I hope I'll see some of you around.

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When #META invites you to secretive talks about the #fediverse and you are told to not share anything about those talks, be it by spoken agreement or an NDA — remember admiral Ackbar. It's a trap.

Sooooo, wtf is / is up with lemmy ? I've seen discourse abt how to creator of it is like, an open fascist????
And yet pages on here that change their logo to rainbow for just june are boosting the shit out of every mention of it.
(This is a callout of corporate fakeness during june, not my queer mutuals :P)

Is lemmy made by a person who sucks ass?
Followup, should people be promoting it how they are?

Followup to the followup, if it *is* made by a terrible person, and ppl *do* know that, than *why* are they still giving it all this publicity??
#reddit #lemmy

@TerryHancock @atomicpoet @fediversenews I'm kind of new-ish to the Fediverse thing, and maybe I'm off here, but one thing that really annoys me is seeing people say that brand new things that are still in their relative infancy suck compared to whatever the Big Social alternative is.

People forget what a lot of these big apps were like in their infancy as well. It's just not a fair comparison and people are deeply impatient.

Android Authority doesn’t get it.

Compared to #Reddit, #Lemmy sucks. And so does #Kbin. We all know that.

The #RedditMigration isn’t about any app being better than Reddit. It’s about a company that’s grown on the backs of volunteer labour now claiming ownership of that labour.

Reddit didn’t write those posts, draw those illustrations, make those videos. We did.

And Reddit sure as hell didn’t create those communities, nurture them, and moderate them. We did.

I agree with tech writers who say that the average person just “wants their memes”. But Reddit never made those memes. We did.

Content might be king. But who makes content? We do.

I have no doubt that the average person just wants content. But while we might be providing content for free, we’re not dancing monkeys. Who decides why content is made, how it’s made, and where it exists? We do.

The Fediverse doesn’t exist merely as an engine for content. It exists so that people can share what they love.

Why are people coming to the Fediverse specifically? Because we rightfully see ActivityPub as insurance for our content – which, again, is made by and for us.

Not Reddit. Not Big Social. Us.

If I’m giving my content away for free, then so long as it is federated, no one company can own it – putting up gates, demanding payment for my work. Instead, my work is out there, living on 24,000 nodes that presently exist.

Android Authority might dismiss this as “suffering the same fate” – what fate they perceive, I don’t know. But to me, the true “suffering” is when a company like Reddit claims ownership of my work, locking 3rd party developers out from API access.

For this reason, I’m locking Reddit out from my work.

Perhaps the author of this post, Dhruv Bhutani, doesn’t consider that he’s writing for a, well, blog. And that this blog exists on its own domain, with its own design, as its own property. He could have written this entire post on Reddit, but he didn’t.

Why? I suspect it’s because he believes his work has value, and Reddit simply doesn’t give him what he believes is his worth.

Same deal with me. I’m not looking to get paid for my work on Reddit. I do it for fun – always have. But if I’m doing something for fun, it’s still going to be on my terms.

Not all of us creatives are willing to be a cog in Big Social’s machine. That’s why I’m here on the Fediverse right now. I don’t give a damn whether the average person just wants memes. I create for me.

So yeah, Lemmy and Kbin suck. I can live with that – they will both improve. And I have no doubt that, with time, they might prove to be better than Reddit.

But this isn’t about how good Lemmy or Kbin are. Nor is this about the insatiable appetite for memes.

This is about my need to create on my terms – and I’m not alone here.

Decentralization is the killer feature here.


Such a brilliant hack! Someone built a mechanical watch into the case of a broken Apple Watch - including hooking up the "digital crown" to do its analog counterpart's job of winding and time setting.

Keep in mind... this happened to a NINE YEAR OLD little girl.

If women don't live up to the #patriarchy's standard of femininity, old white dudes will want to see your kitty to make sure you're a *real* girl.

Trans women were the easy first target in a move to get all women back in line.

@ndw @neil windows boot up is like this, "right, my pc is ready to use, let's login to my PW manager with my stupidly long password", 32 attempts later as some random app loading in the BG has stolen focus away from my window....

One of my customers received this by email from their big-name UK phone and broadband provider:

"Unfortunately we've had to temporarily stop all outgoing calls from your phone service. This is because we've had a complaint from a member of the public saying they've received nuisance calls from your number. We'll now pass the details of the complaint to the Nuisance Calls Service and any relevant parties for investigation. If we're told that no nuisance calls have been made using your account, we'll email you to let you know and re-start your outgoing calls. An administration fee of £5.76 will be added to your next bill."

And yes, it's actually happened. It seems wrong on a number of levels. May I ask, @revk @bloor and @appsecbloke do you know anything about this practice? I have tried in vain to find information online.

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