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I don’t know how to capture what it’s like in New York right now, but this is close.

You know. Today really cemented why even though I've had a bluesky invite for several weeks now I haven't used it

See. Today some pro life asshole came in and started concern trolling me. And then I found out he came from an instance of Christians who were all very sad their chicken sandwich place wasn't bigoted enough against gays anymore

And despite the fact that I'm just a user the things I could do to keep myself and my community safe were

1. Block the guy and his entire instance
2. Notify my server's mods so they could decide to silence or defederate (they did)
3. Make a post recommending other users vulnerable to their bullshit instance block them
4. Recommend that mods/admins from other instances silence/defederate

In essence, I encountered a problem on the fediverse and could take decisive action to protect myself and others by having the problem yeeted into the void. One minute I had a problem, the next myself and many others didn't. You just don't get that anywhere else

Ofcom's changes to its guidance on incident reporting thresholds for the digital infrastructure subsector under The Network and Information Systems Regulations

I know, I know, just what you were hoping for before the weekend...

But if you provide DNS (authoritative or recursive) services to people in the UK, or run a TLD Name Registry or an IXP, you might want to read this update.

#BlogPost #Ofcom #DNS #IXP #NIS #cybersecurity #decodedlegal #lawfedi

@jerry I'd use Wireguard instead, SSH tends to be pretty inefficient I find. Sure, you can tweak it, but Wireguard will be quicker still and easier.

@savanni Grafana cloud (free version might get you what you need) might be worth looking at as well.

Hundreds of models of Gigabyte motherboards, used in gaming and other high-performance computers, have a backdoor in their firmware that invisibly downloads code to the machine at startup—and does so insecurely, leaving the feature open to abuse.

"Timeout waiting for PADO packets"

Joy, that'll be my broadband down then.

ok now that I can post about this publicly:

I really really need a new job, because {current job} suddenly turned into an ableist micro-manag-y conservative nightmare over the last month

I do Linux administration, infrastructure stuff, automation, a lil' bit of programming and generally everything computers tbh, but those are my main things

I have some more info on

Preferably Remote and has to be Autism-friendly (as far as any job
can be..)

pls boost and dm me if you know something

@Floppy yeah, I spotted that on TheAA as well, seen it on a couple of other sites.

TIL that the EU (EPSO) has joined the bandwagon of discriminatory, privacy-invading 'remotely proctored tests':

✓ Must show face on webcam at all times
✓ Must show ankles (???), inside of pockets and 360 degree view of room
✓ Must have an empty, dedicated room
✓ Cannot fidget/move/stand up
✓ Cannot use anything other than 100% zoom
✓ Recent macOS/Windows and Chrome only
✓ Must give your data and admin access to your computer to some random US company

@Edent you have "what's your email address?" So why not "What's your name?"

Unbelievable double-think happening here. The UK government is going full-throttle in its war on encryption, with the Online Safety Bill the vanguard in exposing the security of everyone's device.

Encryption protects us from cyber-criminals, keeps our messages private, and stops governments and corporations from spying on us. It is online safety for kids and everyone.

✍️ Sign our petition to save encryption:

#e2ee #encryption #ukpolitics

So to confirm, because Johnson was too tight to pay his own legal fees, the Cabinet Office got to see his diaries. Because they're officially the client.

Which means that in the process of defending him from one set of crimes, they found evidence of ANOTHER set of crimes, for which they've now had to refer him to the police.

God these spin-off series of the Tory Shitshow are getting hard to track.

I'll have a blog entry about it soon, but before then, you get to hear about it first: A full transfer of the USC Cinema sound effects library, which includes the work of Sunset Editorial and their hundreds of sound effects.

You can browse the collection here:

This. Is. Amazing.

Montréal suburb Brossard has a traffic light in a school zone that defaults to red, and only turns green when an attached speed camera detects a car driving under the speed limit.

The light is on a 90-day trial, on a 2-lane residential street. Similar signals are widespread across Europe.

Before it was installed, average vehicle speeds of 40 km/h. But in the past week, average speeds have dropped to 29 km/h.

#Montreal #VisionZero #WalkTO #BIkeTO

6 new reserves created in Brazil.

"#Indigenous people are guaranteed exclusive use of natural resources on these lands, viewed by scientists as a bulwark against Amazon deforestation - a major challenge in the fight against climate change."

#brazil #amazon #climate #jungle #rainforest #environment #southAmerica #humanRights

Genocide has 10 stages, they don't have to be done in order - and they can happen simultaneously - here are the 10 Stages of Genocide with Trans examples.

#Trans #LGBTQ #TransRights #TransRevolution #HumanRights

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A server for those involved in the web: Developers, Designers, Coders, Server Providers etc.