I am taking another long weekend to be a beach bum and work on I.E

I rented some servers in the US to set up a local PoP for Infosec.exchange to (hopefully) reduce latency and improve performance. I am a bit skeptical that it’ll help a lot until I have a redis and Postgres two-way replicated locally. One of the advantages of using bunny.net for dns is that I can have dns resolve to different IPs based on location, like a regular CDN.

I am going to upgrade the instance to the latest glitch-soc code

I am going to finish getting Matrix up for people to use

I am going to experiment with dragonflydb as a replacement for redis Postgres two-way replicated between the US and Germany on a test instance (or maybe new instance?)

I’m also going to apply the latest updates to pixel and see about moving to the containerized RC version of calckey on Infosec.town

Hopefully it all goes well


@jerry I'd use Wireguard instead, SSH tends to be pretty inefficient I find. Sure, you can tweak it, but Wireguard will be quicker still and easier.

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