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Is anyone aware of a bigger screened and/or colour version of the Badger 2040? Ideally something conference badge sort of size, colour, not RPi if possible.

I'd love to have time to build something myself, but right now it's out of the question.

Twitter stuff 

Last night on Elon’s Bird Site. I think I have this straight:
1. He suspended journalists for reporting on publicly available info
2. It turned out they could still join Spaces (that site is ever more buggy) so they did
3. He joined their Space, got pwned, flounced
4. He erased all record of their Space
5. He shut down Twitter Spaces entirely
6. He tried to run a poll in support of himself, lost, did it again, lost again
*child lying on the floor throwing enormous tantrum gif*

Elon is trying to say what I’m posting isn’t public information.
ADS-B and ACARS are all over public frequency and are acquired by organizations like ADSBExchange.
This is like saying AM or FM signals aren’t public and that reciciving a frequency is private.
Aviation enthusiasts have been reciciving this information over the air for atleast a decade now. Even companies like FlightAware and FlightRadar24 rely on hobbyists to receive this data.

As you may recall:

• The W3C is in part hosted by MIT but MIT intends to withdraw on Dec 31.
• A new W3C nonprofit needs to take over on Jan 1.
• MIT needs to transfer assets (member dues, contracts, IP…) to the new W3C for it to operate.
• I was elected to the W3C Board and am part of the negotiations.

We're two weeks away from cutover and the negotiations are going… poorly. 🧵

This is significant ...

The German office for data protection and freedom of information hosts the official #Mastodon server for government departments

They are now calling for all ministries on the server to put their focus on Mastodon

They are also asking ministries which are not yet on Mastodon to join as soon as possible

I would also like to point out that the apparent Chief Marketing Manager at Raspberry Pi had time to go to Buzzfeed and talk about all this for an article posted 2 hours ago...

...but not to answer any of Pi users' serious concerns over the last 24 hours, here on Mastodon. Where she has an account.


Edit: her title is actually "cofounder and chief marketing officer". So, you know. Even more responsibility.

Uk spy cops 

The British spy police infiltrated groups advocating against racism. Peaceful groups that were not even suspected of breaking any laws.

They stole the identities of dead children.

They got into long term relationships with women who they had children with. Until they faked their own deaths and vanished suddenly.

Their behaviour was absolutely shocking and was not lawful. The Tories responded by increasing the scope of how police are allowed to act.

Read more about them:

Thats who raspberry pi, the beloved teaching platform, hired.

I wish we could go back to written tutorials instead of crap YouTube videos for how-tos and guides. Maybe I’m just old, though…

> After FTX declared bankruptcy, the entire domain was redirected to a page providing information on the bankruptcy proceedings.

> NFTs that had been minted on the FTX platform relied on metadata from an API at that domain, meaning that the NFTs are now pointing to broken links. Owners of these NFTs can still see that the NFT exists, but images no longer work—even when viewing the NFTs in their own wallets, or when listing them for sale on other platforms.


We are all stardust.

That oxygen you breath? That comes from dying massive stars, ending their light in a supernova.

The iron in your blood? Some massive stars dying, but mainly white dwarfs, the leftovers of dwarf stars like our own Sun, exploding.

The gold ring on your finger? Mostly merging neutron stars, leftovers from supernovae.

#astrodon #scicomm #astronomy #VicisAstro

This is the sickest bit of manipulation I think I’ve ever seen. And it comes after a long line of sick manipulation by this government.

If you see this toot (yeah this one right here), can you boost it for me? It will help my new server federate with the wider Mastodon network. 🚀 🙏

Thanks to anyone who can do this. It is really appreciated! This server is small but will be hosting several #peace #SocialJustice and #Humanistic groups, so it is for a good cause.

Hello gang! I need your help.

Could you please visit the following URl:

Then send me a screenshot of what your browser's address bar shows. I want to know if it displays as ⏻ or punycode.

Thanks! Boosts appreciated.

The EU, UK, US and various states are pushing "protect the children!" laws that will effectively mandate age verification technologies for most websites.

Turns out the French data protection agency (which doesn't mess around) has said that all existing age verification technologies violate people's privacy...

French data protection authority fines Electricite de France, France's largest electricity provider with €600,000. Hashed passwords without a 128-bit random "salt" and the use of MD5 is a violation of #GDPR security requirements - an interesting precedent explaining what are the legal password security requirements in 2022.

Jeff Bezos says he plans to give away the majority of his ~$117 billion net worth during his lifetime.

That’s nice, but can I let you in on a secret?

Billionaire philanthropy isn’t charity. It’s PR to distract you from low wages and a tax system that’s rigged for the rich.

Just came across a thread on reddit's r/selfhosted of a newly minted admin confused and worried they could access their users' mailboxes.

Money quote:
"What is troubling me is that as a user I always assumed the content of my email messages was encrypted and hidden even to the system admin"

No wonder that people are worried about the fact that "admins can in theory read your DMs on Mastodon" when THIS is their general misunderstanding of how hosted stuff works.

I find THAT worrying.

When people travel to the past, they worry about radically changing the present by doing something small.

Few people think that they can radically change the future by doing something small in the present.

This is the only real time travel paradox.

The main differentiating feature for #adBlockers is whether the blocker vendor a member of the "Acceptable Ads" scheme that allows third-party tracking (and some ads) by default

People who use "Adblock Plus" or another participating #adBlocker are helping to drive #consolidation—because large companies are already paying to avoid blocking. If you block ads, please take a minute to check if your ad blocker is participating in this scheme, and either switch or reconfigure

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A server for those involved in the web: Developers, Designers, Coders, Server Providers etc.