Google and Microsoft are breaking email for their own selfish reasons - to force everyone to use their services if they hope to have email delivered to anyone using those dominant platforms. Seems undeniable that they are actively trying to kill independent email providers in order to surveil all people who use email (and profit from selling the results to other capitalist dregs).


@lightweight I feel your pain. Email causes us more support issues than anything else. We had to relent with our transactional emails and corporate ones, using AWS SES and Google Workspace :/ we just couldn't keep operating without emails getting through. MS recently blocked a whole /24, for a handful of spam emails sent from a single IP address - that was marked in RIPE DB as being in a /28, but nope, block the whole /24.

@karlaustin Yeah, they run roughshod over the rest of the 'net and legitimate email providers like 800lb gorillas (but without the grace and thoughtfulness of actual gorillas).

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