🆕 blog! “Let's build a website using XML!”

It is 2023. XHTML is dead and buried. HTML is a "living standard" with billions of users. So what kind of idiot would want to build a website using XML? Me. I am that idiot. Last year, I launched a "web page" which didn't use HTML. Called, appropriately enough, "YOU DON'T NEED HTML!" That (ab)used […]

👀 Read more: shkspr.mobi/blog/2023/08/lets-

#webdev #XML

@Edent There is far too much "JSON is the answer! What was your problem again?" I even used to like SOAP.

@scudderfish @Edent my memories of soap were 20kb of markup for 1kb of data.


@Edent @scudderfish don't, I don't need even more things to keep me awake at night lol. I've managed to blank out what hellish service it was I had to use soap for.

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